Our topic for today is FRISBEE
Tonight, i typed the word " frisbee" in google search engine, and i found a few cool pics that are related to frisbee. Please enjoy it and don't forget to leave in comments which pics you like the most ;) hehe...

posted by St. Anger @ 12:59 AM 5 Comments
History of frisbee

The Frisbie Pie Company (1871–1958) of Bridgeport, Connecticut, made pies that were sold to many New England colleges. Hungry college students soon discovered that the empty pie tins could be tossed and caught, providing endless hours of sport. Many colleges have claimed to be the home of "he who was first to fling." Yale College has argued that in 1820, an undergraduate named Elihu Frisbie grabbed a passing collection tray from the chapel and flung it out into the campus, thereby becoming the true inventor of the Frisbee. That tale is dubious, as the "Frisbie's Pies" origin is well-documented. Walter Frederick Morrison claims that it was a popcorn can lid that he tossed with his girlfriend (and later wife) Lu at a 1937 Thanksgiving Day gathering in Los Angeles that inspired his interest in developing a commercially-produced flying disc. In 1946 he sketched out plans for a disc he called the Whirlo-Way, which, co-developed and financed by Warren Franscioni in 1948, became the very first commercially produced plastic flying disc, marketed under the name Pipco Flyin-Saucer. Morrison had just returned to the US after World War II, where he had been a prisoner in the infamous Stalag 13. His partnership with Franscioni, who was also a war veteran, ended in 1950, before their product had achieved any real success.
In 1955, Morrison produced a new plastic flying disc called the Pluto Platter, to cash in on the growing popularity of UFOs with the American public. The Pluto Platter became the design basis for later flying discs. In 1957, Wham-O began production of more discs (then still marketed as Pluto Platters). The next year, Morrison was awarded US Design Patent 183,626 for his flying disc.
Knerr, in search of a catchy new name to help increase sales, and hearing of the colloquial name "Frisbie", gave the disks the trademarkable brand name "Frisbee" (which is pronounced the same as "Frisbie") on June 17, 1957.Sales soared for the toy, which was marketed as a new sport. In 1964, the first "professional" model went on sale. Ed Hedrick was the sales manager at Wham-O who patented the company's design for the aerodynamically improved modern Frisbee (US Patent 3,359,678).
Labels: history
posted by St. Anger @ 12:44 AM 0 Comments
Situs " crisis center" menjadi crisis!
Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet
Jakarta - Situs Crisis Center DKI Jakarta yang beralamat di http://crisiscenter.jakarta.go.id/ tengah kritis. Situs tersebut seakan mati dan tak bisa diakses.
Ketika disambangi detikINET, Senin (12/11/2007), situs milik pemerintah propinsi DKI Jakarta ini diketahui telah menjadi korban keusilan dedemit dunia maya.
Si pelaku menyebut dirinya 'GUITARFREAK'. Sama seperti beberapa hacker lain, ia sengaja melakukan hal ini untuk memperingatkan administrator untuk meningkatkan sistem keamanan situsnya. "Why GUITARFREAK deface this domain??? it is because of this web had bad security,so for the admin please learn more OK,,thankz for all my pRenT," tulis si pelaku.
Alhasil, konten situs tersebut kini tidak bisa diakses sama sekali. Padahal situs ini seyogyanya dihadirkan untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat perihal bencana yang mengancam DKI Jakarta serta penanggulangannya.
Terlebih, beberapa wilayah di ibu kota negara kita ini mulai diancam bencana banjir. Sehingga pastinya kebutuhan informasi masyarakat terkait hal ini pun menjadi tersendat.
Belum diketahui sejak kapan situs ini tidak bisa beroperasi. Namun salah satu pembaca detikcom, Riyadi menuturkan, hal serupa pernah terjadi terhadap situs ini pada Agustus lalu.
posted by St. Anger @ 11:33 PM 0 Comments
10 Aplikasi Windows 'Terburuk' di 2007
Annisa M. Zakir - detikinet
Jakarta - Keamanan kini menjadi hal yang penting untuk pengguna komputer. Banyaknya aplikasi yang mudah untuk didownload di internet acap kali masih berlubang sehingga keamanannya tak bisa dijamin.
Tak hanya aplikasi non-populer yang dikeluarkan perusahaan-perusahaan kecil saja yang mengancam keamanan. Perusahaan sekelas Yahoo dan Apple pun bisa menghasilkan aplikasi yang 'berlubang' dan tak aman digunakan karena memungkinkan program jahat untuk menyusupi sistem, mengobok-obok komputer, hingga mencuri data penting.
Kali ini, perusahaan keamanan, Bit9 memaparkan 10 aplikasi untuk sistem operasi Windows terburuk dalam hal keamanan. "Aplikasi populer ini seringkali di download pada komputer kantor oleh penggunanya dan dapat mendatangkan resiko keamanan di urusan bisnis operasi dan teknologi informasi perusahaan," jelas Brian Gladstein, Director of Product Marketing kepala riset seperti dikutip detikINET dari Softpedia, Rabu (7/11/2007).
Berikut daftar 10 aplikasi untuk Windows terburuk dalam hal keamanan yang kerap digunakan hingga saat ini :
1. Yahoo Messenger dan versi lebih awal
2. Apple QuickTime 7.2
3. Mozilla Firefox
4. Microsoft Windows Live (MSN) Messenger 7.0, 8.0
5. EMC VMware Player (and other products) 2.0, 1.0.4
6. Apple iTunes 7.3.2
7. Intuit QuickBooks 9 and earlier
8. Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_X
9. Yahoo! Widgets 4.0.5 and previous
10. Ask.com Toolbar dan versi sebelumnya.
Masih menggunakan aplikasi di atas pada komputer Windows Anda? Mungkin ada baiknya Anda meng-upgrade versi aplikasi tersebut.
posted by St. Anger @ 11:29 PM 0 Comments
Stella Award (Dunia kok jadi begini yah?)
Sebuah penghargaan bernama Stella Award diberikan untuk gugatan paling "konyol" di AS. Mereka mendapat ganti rugi besar justru karena ulah dan kekonyolannya sendiri. Dan pemenangnya adalah yang paling gila dan nekat!
Stella Award juga sebagai penghargaan untuk para juri di negara tersebut. Nama Stella Award sendiri berasal
dari Stella Liebeck. Nenek berusia 81 tahun ini menumpahkan kopi yang dibelinya di McDonald ke dirinya sendiri. Liebeck menggugat McDonald dan dinyatakan menang. Kasus Stella mengilhami pemberian penghargaan ini.
Penghargaan ini juga disponsori oleh organisasi pengacara AS.
Para kandidat untuk Stella award tahun ini adalah:
1. Kandidat pertama, Kathleen Robertson dari Texas. Robertson memenangkan ganti rugi dari dewan juri sebesar $780.000 setelah ia menggugat sebuah toko furnitur. Robertson menggugat toko itu karena pergelangan kakinya patah setelah tersandung anak laki-laki yang berlarian di dalam toko tersebut. Pemilik toko furnitur sangat terkejut terhadap isi putusan tersebut, mengingat anak lelaki yang "badung" itu adalah anak kandung Robertson sendiri.
2. Kandidat kedua adalah Carl Truman dari Los Angeles. Pria berusia 19 tahun ini memenangkan ganti rugi sebesar $74.000 dan biaya perawatan kesehatan setelah tetangganya melindas tangannya dengan Honda Accord. Truman tampaknya tidak menyadari bahwa tetangga pemilik Accord tersebut sedang berada di balik setir mobil itu ketika Truman berusaha mencuri velg mobil tersebut.
3. Kandidat nomor tiga adalah Terrence Dickson dari Bristol , Pennsylvania. Dickson sedang berusaha meninggalkan rumah yang baru saja ia rampok dengan melewati pintu garasi. Namun, ia tidak bisa membuat pintu garasi otomatis itu membuka ke atas karena pintu itu sedang rusak. Dickson juga tidak bisa kembali ke rumah itu. Karena ketika ia menutup pintu yang menghubungkan garasi dengan rumah, pintu itu terkunci secara otomatis. Karena keluarga pemilik rumah sedang berlibur, Dickson terkunci di garasi selama delapan hari dan bertahan hidup dengan meminum Pepsi dan sekantung besar makanan anjing yang ia temukan di garasi. Dickson--sang maling apes itu--menggugat asuransi pemilik rumah dan mengklaim bahwa kejadian itu mengakibatkan ia menderita gangguan mental yang hebat. Dewan juri sepakat untuk memberi Dickson $500.000.
4. Kandidat keempat adalah Jerry Williams dari Little Rock , Arkansas . Ia memenangkan ganti rugi $14.500 dan biaya perawatan kesehatan setelah bokongnya digigit oleh anjing tetangga . Anjing itu sendiri terantai di teras tetangganya. Award tersebut layak untuk diberikan kepada Williams. Juri berpendapat bahwa anjing tersebut mungkin sedikit terpengaruh oleh tindakan William yang saat itu menembaki anjing itu dengan senapan angin berkali-kali.
7. Dan pemenangnya adalah?????? ????.. Merv Grazinsky dari Oklahoma City. Pada November 2001, Grazinsky membeli sebuah mobil caravan Winnebago sepanjang sekitar 9 meter. Dalam perjalanan pertamanya menuju rumah, ia melewati jalan tol, menyetel radio sambil menyetir dengan kecepatan pada 70 mph. Lalu dengan santai, Grazinsky meninggalkan kursi supir ke belakang untuk membuat secangkir kopi . Tidak mengherankan, kendaraan itu keluar dari jalan tol, menabrak, dan terguling. Grazinsky menggugat Winnebago karena tidak menyebutkan dalam buku petunjuk bahwa kendaraan itu tidak bisa melakukan hal tersebut . Ia mendapat ganti rugi sebesar $1.750.000 plus sebuah Winnebago baru . Akibat kasus ini, Winnebago akhirnya mengubah buku petunjuknya.
posted by St. Anger @ 6:03 PM 0 Comments
Mission accomplished, :P
This is the first time i get "homework on the blog. Hehe, anyways, thanks to
"Azka`s mom" that has kindly "invited" me to join the other bloggers to
finish what they called "homework"
The Rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight
things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose
eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and
to read ur blog.
Here we go..., who am i?
1. First of all, i hate lies. I prefer tell the truth (although it`s
painful) to lie. Seriously, i mean it, i hate lies! :)
2. I hate being late. The expression said "better late than not at all". but
to me "better NOT AT ALL than LATE" Haha..., such an ontimer ;)
3. I am someone who bears a grudge, thus, if someone hurt me, then i make
sure that i will come for the revenge! Cool, calm, confidence (kaya iklan
rokok), but respect each others! :)
4. I don`t like reading, i read, just when i need to, for examples:
preparation for examination, presentation, etc. :( how poor i am...
5. The last two months i have spent my life and my time (halah..., sok
puitis) to watch and learn all things that is related to html codes, yeah,
because i don`t have it`s knowledge at all, while i have to do something
which is strictly related to it. "C`mon son..., you can do it"hahaha.. :)
6. Hardworking. I will not go to my bed BEFORE i finished all stuffs that i
thought i should finished it. So, being awaken all the night is my habit
since i was 19 years young ;) (I don`t know if it is positive to me, can i
get killed because of this habit? Someone out there, please explain it to
me) hehe....:)
7. I hate bureaucracy, especially bureaucracy in this "lovely"land, OMG.
That`s why i choose "this" career, although i have received several
rapturous offers, i don`t want money that kind of ways (I realize i DO need
money, but..., not that ways), sorry.
8. This is ME on my last, i am sceptic. I will not trust anything or somebody
before i have seen it, heard it, felt it, and experienced it.
So, that was the real me. At least it could be much better in the nex days,
yeah... it is now just the beginning of 2008, i believe, i could be better.
Wish me luck and success for all.
1. Javakedaton
2. Limoengroen
3. Mba Sindrow
5. Nandia
6. Runi
7. Lita
8. Pinkydiary
posted by St. Anger @ 5:29 PM 5 Comments
Funny pictures: ERROR ON COMPUTER
Being all night awaken, i finally found some funny pictures, these are some funny pics of ERROR MESSAGE ON COMPUTER.
Labels: funny pictures, Jokes
posted by St. Anger @ 4:43 AM 0 Comments
Biography of Joke van Leeuwen

In her work, Joke van Leeuwen champions the uninhibited way children look at the world, fighting against repression and narrow-mindedness. A number of stories are about a quest in various stages, such as Deesje (Dee Dee) (1985), Wijd weg (Far Away) (1991) and Iep! (Cheep!) (1996). Joke van Leeuwen demonstrates that high quality literature need not be inaccessible.
In December 2007 she had a kind of poetry workshop performed in Erasmus Huis, Jakarta-Indonesia and in Universitas Indonesia, Depok-Indonesia.
Labels: biography, Joke van Leeuwen
posted by St. Anger @ 3:59 AM 0 Comments
Happy new year!
When i saw my archives blog, i was just realized that it is now 2008. Wow, i was not even realized that before.

In DUTCH, people says so:

Labels: Happy new year
posted by St. Anger @ 1:14 AM 0 Comments
It`s mine, what is yours?
Again and again
Today (read: yesterday) i thought i was "lucky" again because i went to bed at 21.00. It was so amazing that i felt in sleep that fast, because usually i go to bed after the sun rises. I n my dream (that night i had a dream that i wake up early in the morning, i pray (thank God that i'm still alive), watch the journals, read the newspaper with a cup of tea, and then i check my emails, and so on, and so on another great activities).
But suddenly i was shocked by the hunger, between consciously and unconsciously i was thinking "should i wake up to get some food?" That question always bothered me until i was awaken by that hunger. "Oh God, it can't be good anymore, i would not sleep again and stay up all night until the sun rises and that is the time i go to bed!
How poor i am, that sleep has became something expensive to me!
Can someone out there help me out of this problem, please...?!
posted by St. Anger @ 12:53 AM 0 Comments
History of the Piano
The piano first known as the pianoforte developed from the harpsichord around 1720, by Bartolomeo Cristofori of Padua, Italy. The instrument was already over a hundred years old by the time Beethoven was writing his last sonatas, around the time when it ousted the harpsichord as the standard keyboard instrument. The piano has had a central place in music since the middle of the eighteenth century. Around 1780, the upright piano was created by Johann Schmidt of Salzburg, Austria and later improved in 1802 by Thomas Loud of London whose upright piano had strings that ran diagonally.
Cristofori Piano
Harpsichord manufacturers went to great lengths to try to produce a mechanism that would give them the desired dynamic response. But it was Bartolomeo Cristofali (Cristofori), of Padua, keeper of instruments in the court of Prince Ferdinand de Medici of Florence, who actually solved the problem.
Piano Player
In 1881, an early patent for a piano player was issued to John McTammany, Jr., of Cambridge, Mass. John McTammany described his invention as a "mechanical musical instrument." It worked using narrow sheets of perforated flexible paper which triggered the notes. A later automatic piano player was the Angelus patented by Edward H. Leveaux of England on 27 February 1879, and described as an "apparatus for storing and transmitting motive power." John McTammany's invention was actually the earlier one invented (1876), however, the patents dates are in the opposite order due to filing procedures. On March 28, 1889, William Fleming received a patent for a player piano using electricity.
John McTammany
John McTammany, player piano pioneer, has been credited with the invention of the instrument, having patented several devices that were important to the development of automatic piano construction.
Labels: history, instrument, music, piano
posted by St. Anger @ 12:55 AM 0 Comments
The History of the Bass
In the beginning there was a bass. It was a Fender, probably a Precision, but it could have been a Jazz - nobody knows. Anyway, it was very old ... definitely pre-C.B.S. And God looked down upon it and saw that it was good. He saw that it was very good in fact, and couldn't be improved on at all (though men would later try.) And so He let it be and He created a man to play the bass.
And lo the man looked upon the bass, which was a beautiful 'sunburst' red, and he loved it. He played upon the open E string and the note rang through the earth and reverberated throughout the firmaments (thus reverb came to be.) And it was good. And God heard that it was good and He smiled at his handiwork. Then in the course of time, the man came to slap upon the bass. And lo it was funky. And God heard this funkiness and He said, "Go man, go." And it was good.
And more time passed, and, having little else to do, the man came to practice upon the bass. And lo, the man came to have upon him a great set of chops. And he did play faster and faster until the notes rippled like a breeze through the heavens. And God heard this sound which sounded something like the wind, which He had created earlier. It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased. And He spoke to the man, saying "Don't do that!"
Now the man heard the voice of God, but he was so excited about his new ability that he slapped upon the bass a blizzard of funky notes. And the heavens shook with the sound, and the Angels ran about in confusion. (Some of the Angels started to dance, but that's another story.) And God heard this - how could He miss it - and lo He became Bugged. And He spoke to the man, and He said, "Listen man, if I wanted Jimi Hendrix I would have created the guitar. Stick to the bass parts."
And the man heard the voice of God, and he knew not to mess with it. But now he had upon him a passion for playing fast and high. The man took the frets off of the bass which God had created. And the man did slide his fingers upon the fretless fingerboard and play melodies high upon the neck. And, in his excitement, the man did forget the commandment of the Lord, and he played a frenzy of high melodies and blindingly fast licks. And the heavens rocked with the assault and the earth shook, rattled and rolled.
Now God's wrath was great. And His voice was thunder as He spoke to the man. And He said, "O.K. for you, pal. You have not heeded My word. Lo, I shall create a soprano saxophone and it shall play higher than you can even think of." "And from out of the chaos I shall bring forth the drums. And they shall play so many notes thine head shall ache, and I shall make you to always stand next to the drummer." "You think you're loud? I shall create a stack of Marshall guitar amps to make thine ears bleed. And I shall send down upon the earth other instruments, and lo, they shall all be able to play higher and faster than the bass."
"And for all the days of man, your curse shall be this; that all the other musicians shall look to you, the bass player, for the low notes. And if you play too high or fast all the other musicians shall say "Wow" but really they shall hate it. And they shall tell you you're ready for your solo career, and find other bass players for their bands. And for all your days if you want to play your fancy licks you shall have to sneak them in like a thief in the night." "And if you finally do get to play a solo, everyone shall leave the bandstand and go to the bar for a drink." And it was so.
Labels: Bass, history, instrument, music
posted by St. Anger @ 12:50 AM 0 Comments