The history of DRUM
Music and musical instruments are an extremely important part of human history. The use of rhythm and song has long been used to express meaning, and feeling and accompany rituals.
Music has been part of human life for as long as anyone can trace. Early civilizations of humans used music as a way to communicate and express feelings. Out of all of the musical instruments that we see in our society today and use on a regular basis, there is one instrument that stands out in musical history, the drum.
The history of drums is interesting and unique. When you examine this instrument historically, you will find that drums have had a place in almost all cultures around the globe. Variations of drums and drum sets occurred in many different cultures, the standard variety of a drum consisted simply of a hollowed out log or gourd with a piece of skin stretched taunt. Different sizes of gourds and logs created different sounds and beats.
The African Influence
In most African cultures, drums were very important in the use of rituals and religious ceremonies. The people of different African tribes relied on the use of drums to express themselves and when the slave trade began, the drums made the journey across the ocean as well.
African drums and drummers provided a unique sound that heavily influenced Western Rock and Roll music. Those same rhythms and beats still provide a strong influence in today’s sounds.
The Early Drum Set
When it was discovered that one player could play two or more drums at the same time, people started placing groups of drums together for one musician to play. These groups were comprised of an assimilation of drums of different cultures and from all around the globe. Cymbals and tom tom drums were brought in from China and the size was adjusted to allow for ease of play when played with drumsticks.
In the early 1930’s, musicians slowly discovered with the proper drum placement and a lot of practice, one musician could handle a set of drums, and an entire band of drum players was not required anymore. Thus, a basic kit evolved and took place.
In An Early Kit
The early drum kits were simple in their design, they typically consisted only of:
1) A bass and foot pedal
2) A snare drum
3) Tom Toms
4) A hi hat cymbal
5) One or two sets of hanging cymbals
The Evolution Of The Drum Set
In the 1930’s the drum set was heavily influenced by the sounds of the time, and the early forms of Rock and Roll music. The sounds had a strong basic beat backing them.
In the 1950’s as Rock and Roll music began to develop, the sounds became more complex and likewise, the drum sets became more evolved, with new additions added to them. Rockers began expanding the drum kits adding more cymbals and tom toms drums to them. In addition, as time went on, electronic drums were added to the drum kits as well. All of these additions allowed the musicians to expand their sounds and diversify their music.
Types Of Drum Kits
In the past, as drums evolved and drum kits developed, new companies were formed and products were fine-tuned and made better. The Ludwig Drum Company is known as one of the most influential and historical drum companies of our time.
The Ludwig drum company was started by a young man who enjoyed playing the drums. He could not find a bass pedal that would hold up to his intense drumming style. He shopped around everywhere and could not find an appropriate pedal, so he fashioned one out of wood. The pedal was superior to anything else on the market. His brother, felt that an even stronger pedal could be created out of a metal product, so they teamed up to create an even better bass pedal. Thus, the Ludwig Drum Company was born.
Ringo Starr, the famous drummer for The Beatles used a Ludwig drum set and was known for preferring the Ludwig drums. He is said to still own the original Ludwig drum set that he played with the Beatles.
There have been many other types of drum kits and company names that have played an important and influential role in the history of drums. Yamaha, Pearl, Tama and Gretsch are all famous brand names whose drums and drum kits have helped form the drum set, as we know it today.
The Future For Drums
What does the future hold for drum sets? No one can be sure. However, with the creation of more and more technology, we can be sure that the sounds will evolve even more. A combination of new sounds and traditional will always be found. And the limit for drum set creation will simply be the imagination of the musicians.
Labels: Drum, history, instrument, music
posted by St. Anger @ 4:44 PM 0 Comments
Spirit for today
May I take you higher
Feed well your desire
We won’t be forgotten
Foes left slain and rotten
I will have my way as once before
Others stand in awe can’t scorn at all
I can, I can, I can make it all again
I don’t wanna lose, I don’t wanna get drowned
I can, I can, I can heed the call again
Fulfill my dreams until I’m cured
I can
Will I be the flyer keep you more inspired
Some will leave here shattered
Wish us tarred and feathered
Show me anyone who doubts our way
I will laugh out loud and I will say
I can, I can, I can make it all again
I don’t wanna lose, I don’t wanna go down
I can, I can, I can make the call again
Can attain ev’rything to leave you sure
I can
Leave me waiting years or strike today
Trample down the walls and pave your way
I can, I can, I can……………………..
Fulfill my dreams until I’m cured
posted by St. Anger @ 6:34 AM 0 Comments
Thank you
Finally...., my template is changed :) I thank "mas Isnaini" very much, because without his little "afklärung" about templates on, i could not change my template.
This template is created by "mas Isnaini". One more time, thank you!
Labels: Thank
posted by St. Anger @ 5:56 AM 0 Comments
Polisi di Bali masuk Youtube
*narasi dikutip dari posting user "gudel" dari
Aksi Perwira Direkam Turis Kanada (Youtube)
Bygdoy - Bagaimana perasaan Kapolda dan Gubernur Bali jika melihat rekaman ini? Rekaman ulah polisi di Bali ini yang pasti sangat merusak citra turisme Bali dan Indonesia.
Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata boleh kampanye gencar untuk menarik wisatawan. Kantor-kantor perwakilan RI di seluruh dunia boleh jungkir balik meyakinkan masyarakat di negara akreditasinya.
Namun ulah orang-orang di dalam negeri yang kurang mendukung, bisa membuat upaya mereka ibarat membangun kastil pasir di pinggir pantai. Setiap kali susah payah dibangun, setiap kali pula buyar disapu ombak.
Seperti ulah para polisi di salah satu tempat di Bali ini. Dua turis Kanada yang menjadi korban, dengan pintar tidak menyia-nyiakan pengalaman luarbiasa itu untuk direkam secara diam-diam.
Dua turis Kanada itu dicegat saat mengendarai motor, kemungkinan motor sewaan, untuk tamasya di Bali. Di tengah jalan mereka dicegat polisi. Rekaman diawali dengan gambar terbalik. Mungkin posisi kamera tidak terkontrol karena mereka harus konsentrasi menghadapi petugas polisi.
Nampak motor bebek jenis Honda Vario berwarna hitam strip merah nopol DK6625EX (atau DK6625FX). Mobil polisi yang ada di lokasi terlihat bernopol XI 33-1405. Dengan indikasi ini dan gambar perwira yang terekam, para petinggi polisi dengan mudah bisa melacak dan menemukannya.
Beginilah kutipan transkripnya.
"Anda dari mana?" tanya polisi yang mencegat di pinggir jalan.
"Kanada," jawab si turis.
Selanjutnya polisi tersebut menyeru, "Sir.. sir...!" (Tidak ada kalimat berikutnya, tapi isyarat). Rupanya polisi mengajak dua turis Kanada itu masuk ke dalam kantor... untuk dihadapkan dengan superiornya. Seorang perwira tentu saja.
Di sinilah inti film di Youtube menarik diamati, bagaimana modus perwira polisi memperoleh uang secara ilegal. Dengan pakaian dinas, dengan identitas yang jelas, dia beraksi. Apa yang rutin dialami oleh rakyat Indonesia terjadilah...
"Anda tinggal di mana?" tanya si perwira.
"Agung Villa Seminyak," jawab si turis.
"Anda tidak punya surat izin mengemudi?"
"Tentu saja saya punya, tapi tidak saya bawa.
"Di hotel"
"(Surat mengemudi versi) Yang kecil, apa yang besar?" cecar si perwira dengan bahasa Inggris terbatas, disusul tawanya yang berderai.
"Saya bodoh ya," cetus si turis.
"Ok, sekarang saya memberi kamu dua opsi ya. Pertama, kamu membayar denda di sana, di Denpasar, (atau) kedua, kamu membayar denda di sini. Kalau kamu membayar di Denpasar, kamu akan repot, sebab harus berurusan dengan Yustisi segala macam. (Di sini) Saya haruskan kamu cukup membayar Rp50.000,- saja"
Turis dari Kanada itupun akhirnya merogoh kocek dan menyerahkan uang lembaran Rp50.000,-. Sementara sang perwira tertawa ramah. Keramahan khas Indonesia.
Labels: Bali, Law breaking, Police, Youtube
posted by St. Anger @ 4:03 PM 1 Comments
Macet = budaya kontemporer Indonesia yang harus dibudidayakan????
Munculnya ide untuk sedikit berkomentar tentang kondisi lalulintas di kota Depok (yang setahu saya juga biasa disebut sebagai kota satelit bagi Jakarta, sama dengan beberapa kota satelit lainnya seperti Bekasi, Bogor, dan Tangerang) tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah sebagai wujud ketidak terimaan saya sebagai salah satu warga yang kebetulan berdomisili di Depok.
Sekitar 4 tahun yang lalu, tepatnya pada pertengahan tahun 2003 saya sampai di Depok. Sangat senang rasanya sampai di Depok, karena setelah sekian jam perjalanan dari Bandara Soekarno-Hatta (tentu saja melalui beberapa titik macet di Jakarta), akhirnya saya bisa sampai ke suatu kota yang benar-benar terbebas dari masalah macet.
Udara yang sejuk, jalanan yang tidak begitu ramai dan penuh sesak oleh kendaraan bermotor benar-benar tempat yang cocok untuk rencana melanjutkan studi. Lingkungan yang tenang dan nyaman, dan akses kendaraan yang mudah benar-benar tempat yang sangat cocok untuk saya. Namun, tidak terasa di pertengahan tahun 2004 semuanya tiba-tiba berubah, macet perlahan tapi pasti akhirnya menjadi hal yang sangat lumrah di Depok (sama lumrahnya dengan macet di Jakarta).
Masih teringat jelas ketika saya harus mengunjungi salah satu pusat kebudayaan negara Eropa di daerah Kuningan, Jakarta. Saat itu kegiatan perkuliahan di Kuningan dimulai pukul 9.00 WIB, dan saya bernagkat dari Depok pukul 06.30 WIB. Perjalanan dari Depok menuju Kuningan waktu itu tidak lebih dari 2 jam perjalanan. Kegiatan perkuliahan di daerah Kuningan adalah kegiatan tahunan dari jurusan yang saya masuki, dan pada tahun 2004 terjadi sedikit perubahan, karena waktu perjalanan yang saya butuhkan dari Depok menuju Kuningan meningkat drastis dari tahun sebelumnya (kurang dari 2 jam perjalanan) menjadi lebih dari 2 jam perjalanan.
Saya rasa (tidak tahu pasti karena tidak melakukan wawancara langsung dengan pihak pusat kebudayaan tersebut) pihak pusat kebudayaan mulai "mengendus" permasalahan macet di Depok, karena pada tahun ini saya ketahui bahwa perkuliahan di pusat kebudayaan tersebut dimulai pukul 11.00 WIB, hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh semakin banyaknya mahasiswa/mahasiswi yang sebagian besar ngekos di Depok tidak dapat mengikuti perkuliahan di Kuningan karena tidak diperbolehkan masuk karena datang terlambat.
Jadi, apakah macet sebenarnya telah menjadi suatu budaya kotemporer di kota-kota besar di Indonesia??? Atau mau tidak mau kita harus menjadikan macet sebagai budaya kontemporrer di kota-kota besar di Indonesia, karena memang kita tidak bisa menanggulanginya, daripada kita selalu terbebani oleh masalah macet, sebaiknya menjadikan macet sebagai suatu budaya kontemporer???
...dan selanjutnya sejarah akan mencatat lahirnya budaya baru di Indonesia (tidak lagi masalah), yaitu MACET!
Labels: oclusion in Depok
posted by St. Anger @ 2:28 AM 0 Comments
The history of guitar
While the guitar may have gained the bulk of its popularity as a musical instrument during the modern era, guitar-like instruments have been in existence in numerous cultures throughout the world for more than five thousand years. With such an extensive history, it is virtually impossible to cover its entirety within the scope of this article. Instead, mentioning several significant developments within that lengthy history helps to paint a broad overview of the history of the guitar.
The word "guitar" was brought into English as an adaptation of the Spanish word "guitarra," which was, in turn, derived from the Greek "kithara." Tracing the roots of the word further back into linguistic history, it seems to have been a combination of the Indo-European stem "guit-," meaning music, and the root "-tar," meaning chord or string. The root "-tar" is actually common to a number of languages, and can also be found in the word "sitar," also a stringed musical instrument. Although the spelling and pronunciation differs between languages, these key elements are present in most words for "guitar" throughout history.
The earliest instruments that the modern eye and ear would recognize as a "normal" acoustic guitar date from about five hundred years ago, in the late Medieval or early Renaissance periods. Prior to this time, stringed instruments were in use throughout the world, but these early instruments are known primarily from visual depictions, not from the continued existence of music written for them. The majority of these depictions show simple stringed instruments, often lacking some of the parts that define a modern guitar. A number of these instruments have more in common with the lute than the guitar.
During the Renaissance, guitars were either four-course or five-course, meaning that they had four or five strings or sets of strings. In the case of those guitars with sets of strings, or courses, the pair of strings in a given course would generally be tuned to the same note or to two notes an octave apart. In this way, these Renaissance-era guitars were similar to a modern twelve string guitar, which has twelve strings placed in six courses, and each course is tuned similarly or in a
complimentary fashion. The sound produced by these four-course and five-course guitars would have been a richer sound than that of a modern six string guitar, because of the larger number of notes from the larger number of strings.
There is some uncertainty about the exact date of the earliest six string guitar. The best extant possibility is dated 1779, and was made by Gaetano Vinaccia. However, the authenticity of six string guitars alleged to have been made prior to 1790 is often suspect, as many fakes have been discovered dating to this era. The early nineteenth century is generally accepted as the time period during which six string guitars began taking on their modern shape and dimensions. Thus for nearly two hundred years, luthiers, or guitar makers, have been producing versions of the modern acoustic guitar.
The first electric guitar was not developed until the early twentieth century. George Beauchamp received the first patent for an electric guitar in 1936, and Beauchamp went on to co-found Rickenbacker, originally known as the Electro String Instrument Company, with Adolph Rickenbacher. The spelling of the company name differs from Rickenbacher's given surname to distance himself from his German ancestry, which was seen as suspect during the world wars.
Although Rickenbacker began producing electric guitars in the late 1930s, this brand received most of its fame in the 1960s, when John Lennon used a Rickenbacker guitar for the Beatlesdebut performance on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. George Harrison later bought a Rickenbacker guitar of his own, and the company later gave him one of their earliest twelve string electric guitars. Paul McCartney also used a Rickenbacker bass guitar for recording. The Beatles continued to use Rickenbacker guitars throughout their career, and made the instruments highly popular among other musicians of the era.
The Fender Musical Instruments Company and the Gibson Guitar Corporation were two other early electric guitar pioneers, both developing models in the early 1950s. Fender began with the Telecaster in 1950 and 1951, and the Fender Stratocaster debuted in 1954. Gibson began selling the Gibson Les Paul, based partially on assistance from jazz musician and guitar innovator Les
Paul, in 1952. The majority of present day solid-body electric guitars are still based largely on these three early electric guitar designs.
Throughout the history of the guitar and related stringed instruments, an enormous number of individuals have made their mark on the way in which guitars were built, played, and perceived. Though some of these individuals are particularly well known, like the Beatles or Les Paul, the majority of these people are virtually invisible to most modern guitar fans. By looking at the entire history of the guitar, rather than just recent developments, largely confined to electric guitars, it is possible to see more of the contributions of earlier generations.
Labels: Guitar, history, instrument, music
posted by St. Anger @ 9:46 PM 1 Comments
Can anyone help me?
Does anyone know how to upload a video on this blog? I thought that i have done the right way (according to the blog instructions), but it did not work :(
Thank you for your attention
Labels: Help, upload video
posted by St. Anger @ 8:36 PM 0 Comments
Welcome !
Welcome to BLOG NEDERINDO, i hope that the existence of this blog can give advantages to you all. There are several foreign languages dictionaries in this blog, links where you can download several music genres, links where you can download several "cool" open source programs, and so on! Besides, there will be much more information that can enlarge your knowledge :), well that last one is the real point, hehe
well, enjoy it! And keep sharing other important news and information.
posted by St. Anger @ 5:39 AM 0 Comments
Its just an opening
Another Day
Live another day
Climb a little higher
Find another reason to stay
Ashes in your hands
Mercy in your eyes
If you're searching for a silent
You won't find it here
Look another way
You won't find it here
So die another day
The coldness of this words
The message in his silence,
"Face the candle to the
This distance in my voice
Isn't leaving you a choice
So if you're looking for a time
to run away...
You won't find it here
Look another way
You won't find it here
So try another day
They took pictures of our
Ran to hide behind the stairs
And said maybe when it's right
for you, they'll fall
But if they don't come down
Resist the need to pull them in
And throw them away
Better to save the mystery
Than surrender to the secret
You won't find it here
Look another way
You won't find it here
So try another day
by:Dream Theater
Labels: opening
posted by St. Anger @ 12:00 AM 0 Comments